Big Box Promo Pack Delivery to Mars
Mission Journal: Big Box Promo Pack Delivery to Mars
Date of entry: 2155/06/05
Two new corporations are on their way to join the race to Terraform the Red Planet, bringing over 18 new projects focusing mainly on using asteroids and working with other projects. They’ve even seen to it that previously planned projects are being enhanced.
The work to make Mars habitable never stops, and with all of this, we’ll be getting ever closer to our goal of a new world mankind can call home!
Now Available
The Big Box Promo Pack is now live on Steam and Mobile. Prepare your asteroids for harvesting, and ready yourself to fight disease because you will be working hard to prepare Mars for human life when this DLC lands. Get the DLC for yourself now!

New Corporations
Two new corporations join the ongoing work to enhance life on Mars:
Focusing on the all-new mechanic asteroid resources, they are a unique addition to the game that will open up fresh tactical options for you to explore.
Pharmacy Union:
This corporation introduces yet another new and unique mechanic, “disease”. This adds a layer of challenge and strategy to tempt even the most expert players.

Cards: 18 New, 3 Revamped
We’ve added 18 new cards focusing on asteroids and enhancing combo opportunities with other projects to enhance your play. These cards work well with both new corporations included in this pack. There are also three revamped cards, which were improved to bring them up to date with newer mechanics and strategies: Deimos Down, Great Dam, and Magnetic Field Generators.

- 2 New Corporations
- Astrodrill
- Pharmacy Union
- 18 New Project Cards
- – Advertising
- Asteroid Deflection System
- Asteroid Hollowing
- Comet Aiming
- Crash Site Cleanup
- Cutting Edge Technology
- Directed Impactors
- Diversity Support
- Field-Capped City
- Imported Nutrients
- Jovian Embassy
- Magnetic Shield
- Meat Industry
- Meltworks
- Mohole Lake
- Potatoes
- Sub-Crust Measurements
- Topsoil Contract
- Three Updated Existing Project Cards
- Deimos Down
- Great Dam
- Magnetic Field Generators
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue where the game and saved files crashed when loading.
- Fixed text and icons overlapping on the “Rotator impacts” card when zoomed in.
- Integrated UI assets for the game’s interface.
- Created 3D assets for the Big Box Pack.
- Fixed issue with double-clicking a Prelude card which caused it to be selected twice.
- Fixed inconsistency with Business Contacts.
- Fixed inconsistencies with Heat production.
- Fixed issue where playing as Viron made the game unplayable.
- Fixed issue where forfeiting during a turn didn’t make the bot take control.
- Fixed UI filter for online games overlapping with other elements.
- Fixed missing background panel for Solo Challenge on mobile.
- Re-enabled Sponsored Academies #247.
- Fixed issue where online games couldn’t be resumed.
- Fixed problem creating a new Asmoconnect account with long email addresses.
- Fixed broken interaction area for the View Game State button on Android during Prelude card choice.
- Fixed scoreboard UI overlapping.
- Fixed visual bug during Draft phase.
- Fixed issue where Terraforming Rating wasn’t gained when raising the temperature.
- Fixed crash with “Program Unity playback engine.”
- Fixed issue where the Endgame screen didn’t display.
- Fixed issue where finished games didn’t disappear from the list.
- Fixed Solar Phase disconnection causing a soft lock.
- Fixed issue on mobile where the Self Replicating Robots menu showed “no played cards.”
- Fixed feedback issue with Splice first turn action.
- Fixed inconsistent Highlight Draw behavior.
- Fixed issue on mobile where pressing the Arcadian Community button didn’t give placement choices.
- Fixed missing card effect tooltip when placing a tile on Arcadian Communities.
- Fixed issue in local multiplayer where playing 2 turns in a row caused resources/cards not to update.
- Fixed issue in online play where the Self Replicating Robots button didn’t appear for every player.
- Fixed issue where Viron’s action refreshed when resuming a game.
- Fixed UI issue where “decrease cost” appeared for incorrect cards.
- Fixed negative Megacredit display by animations.
- Fixed game softlocking when disconnecting during Solar Phase.
- Fixed incorrect text for Self Replicating Robots in French.
- Fixed missing red border around icons for Splice effect.
- Fixed issue where the marked area owner’s color highlight disappeared when placing a tile.
- Fixed issue where the “It is now your turn” message didn’t display for everyone during the Research Phase.
- Fixed missing Tharsis map icon when selecting maps.
- Added an option to create a separate log file when having two games running.
- Fixed a blocker in the Tutorial’s “Additional Actions” step.
- Fixed issue where AI got too much MC (Megacredit) income after using Prelude cards.
- Fixed issue where Optimal Aerobraking didn’t work.
- Fixed blank Asmo Account creation popup on iPad.
- Fixed issue in Tutorial scoring where cards couldn’t be bought.
Stay tuned for more Terraforming News!